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Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of determining the actual words people use when searching online. It is one of the basic and fundamental task for any SEO initiative. WebHugh understands and keeps a pulse check on its customers and their business. Our keyword research and analysis wing is up to date on its assessment of market economics and trends. They predict shifts in demand or change in market conditions enabling us to market only those products, services and contents which has a demand online. Search engine optimization through keyword research involves constant experimentation and improvement. The main aim of the keyword research is to:
  1. Identify the most common keywords used by customers.
  2. Identify keywords, which are search engine sensitive.
  3. Identify keywords, which can rank higher with SEO.
  4. Develop content based on popular terminology.
  5. Getting relevant traffic.
  6. Target the right audience.
In our endeavor to excel, we have our clients and their vision in mind.